HR Dossierbeheerder
Opdracht 100% (deeltijds mogelijk met een minimum van 60%) onbepaalde duur
Hoofdlocatie: campus Leuven
LUCA School of Arts is een creatieve hub voor bijna 5.000 mensen: meer dan 4.000 studenten en 800 collega’s. Aan hen biedt LUCA een onderwijs- en onderzoeksomgeving om hun creatief talent verder te ontplooien. Dat doen we via opleidingen hoger onderwijs in het brede domein van de kunsten, en via artistiek onderzoek, ingebed binnen een geassocieerde Faculteit Kunsten aan KU Leuven. LUCA heeft campussen in vier steden: Gent, Brussel, Leuven en Genk.
LUCA School of Arts is lid van de Associatie KU Leuven.
We geloven dat kunst en design op tal van manieren impact heeft op de maatschappij en de wereld. Respect en integriteit bepalen onze grondhouding, diversiteit en duurzaamheid beschouwen we als een troef, en kwaliteit is onze drijfveer.
Momenteel maken we werk van de rol van LUCA als actor in de maatschappij, van de ontsluiting van onze multicampusrealiteit tot een netwerk, van de evolutie van de vijf oorspronkelijke opleidingsinstituten tot een gezamenlijk laboratorium, en van het inspelen op opleidings- en onderzoeksvragen uit de buitenwereld.
Je maakt deel uit van de HR dienst. Samen met de andere dossierbeheerders, de verantwoordelijke Payroll en digitalisering administratieve processen en de HR Partners ondersteun je de medewerkers en leidinggevenden van LUCA in alle aspecten die te maken hebben met personeelszaken. Binnen de HR dienst bouwen we samen aan een personeelsbeleid dat de missie en de waarden van de school ondersteunt. Daarnaast werken we ook aan de voortdurende verbetering van onze HR Processen.
Voor meer informatie over de functie kan je terecht bij Ilse Verschueren (algemeen beheerder) of Hans Demin (HR Partner)
Solliciteren kan tot en met 24/11/2024 ten aanzien van LUCA School of Arts, dienst HR via CV Warehouse.
De kandidaatstelling bevat een dossier bestaande uit:
Enkel volledige dossiers worden aanvaard.
Een sollicitatiegesprek vindt plaats met kandidaten die weerhouden worden na een preselectie op dossier.
Medewerker Onderwijs- en Studentenadministratie
100% onbepaalde duur
Hoofdlocatie: Campus Brussel
LUCA School of Arts is een multidisciplinaire onderwijs- en onderzoeksomgeving waar creatief talent zich artistiek, uitvoerend en technisch kan ontplooien en ontwikkelen. In vier steden (Brussel, Genk, Gent en Leuven) bundelt LUCA de onderwijsexpertise van vijf gerenommeerde instituten (Sint-Lukas, Narafi, C-mine, Sint-Lucas en Lemmens). Het artistiek onderzoek van LUCA is ingebed in de geassocieerde Faculteit Kunsten van de KU Leuven. Met meer dan 700 personeelsleden en 3.800 studenten is LUCA een creatieve hub voor meer dan 4.500 kunstenaars, theater- en filmmakers, designers, musici, fotografen, leraren, onderzoekers…
Respect en integriteit definiëren onze basishouding, duurzaamheid en diversiteit zien we als een troef, kwaliteit is onze drijfveer. De komende jaren willen we LUCA een identiteit geven als actor in de maatschappij, ons opleidingsinstituut onderdeel laten worden van een laboratorium, ons aanbod aanvullen met vraaggestuurde initiatieven, en onze multicampusrealiteit ontsluiten tot een netwerk.
LUCA wil een omgeving creëren waarin alle talenten maximaal tot ontplooiing kunnen komen, ongeacht gender, culturele achtergrond, nationaliteit of functiebeperking. Daarom verwelkomen we alle talentvolle mensen die de meerwaarde van diversiteit erkennen en mee vorm willen geven aan een inclusieve organisatie.
Als financieel antenne zorg je voor de administratieve verwerking van bestelaanvragen vanuit de verschillende opleidingen en diensten van de campus. Samen met de financieel antennes van de andere LUCA-campussen vorm je een team van experten en ben je een belangrijke schakel binnen het financiële proces van de hogeschool.
De functie houdt o.a. in:
Je komt in een mooie, inspirerende omgeving terecht met een warme, collegiale sfeer.
LUCA biedt een voltijdse tewerkstelling in het ambt van ATP (B1-barema), ingangsdatum 1 december 2024 voor onbepaalde duur.
Meer informatie over de salarisschalen is te vinden op de website van de Vlaamse overheid (
Daarnaast biedt LUCA bepaalde voordelen zoals een voordelige hospitalisatieverzekering, kortingen via Samenaankoop met KU Leuven, 35 verlofdagen bij voltijdse tewerkstelling op jaarbasis en gratis pendelen met het openbaar vervoer.
Meer informatie is te verkrijgen bij Els Berlengee, campusmanager:
Solliciteren kan tot en met 13 november 2024 ten aanzien van LUCA School of Arts, dienst HR via CV Warehouse.
De kandidaatstelling bevat een dossier bestaande uit:
Enkel volledige dossiers worden aanvaard.
De tweede ronde bestaat uit het afleggen van een assessment met psychotechnische proeven via KU Leuven.
Indien je niet wordt weerhouden in deze functie, wordt er een werfreserve aangelegd van 1 jaar voor gelijkaardige functies. Jouw persoonsgegevens worden enkel verzameld en verwerkt met jouw toestemming en in het kader van werving en selectie. We contacteren je bij nieuwe vacatures, je beslist dan zelf of je op gesprek komt.
Aanstelling gebeurt via beslissing van het Directiecomité rekening houdend met het advies van de selectiecommissie.
LUCA School of Arts is a multidisciplinary educational and research environment in which creative talent can develop on an artistic, performative and technical level. LUCA promotes the practice of art and creative design and believes that art and design have the power to inspire new perspectives and foster imaginative solutions to pressing social issues.
LUCA combines the strength and expertise of five renowned institutions: Sint-Lukas Brussel, Narafi Brussel, C-mine Genk, Sint-Lucas Gent and Lemmens Leuven. With over 700 staff members and about 4000 students, LUCA School of Arts is a creative hub for over 4,500 artists, musicians, theatre and film-makers, photographers and designers.
All teaching and research activities within LUCA are guided by a basic attitude of respect and integrity. Thereby our core assets are sustainability and diversity with quality as the driving force. In the coming years, we want to give LUCA more identity as an important actor in debates on societal topics, make our educational institute part of a laboratory, supplement our educational and research offer with demand-driven initiatives, and open up our multi-campus reality into a network.
LUCA School of Arts wants to create an environment in which all talents can develop to the fullest, regardless of gender, age, cultural origin, nationality or disability. We therefore welcome all people with talent who recognize the added value of diversity and an inclusive organization. #weArt
The research unit Inter-Actions is one of the 4 research entities of LUCA and currently has a vacant doctoral position to pursue a PhD in the Arts at LUCA/KU Leuven. The position resides under its research clusters “Art, Design & Technology” and “Future Framing” and aims to explore the role of arts and design in the creation and use of Responsible AI.
All projects in the Inter-Actions research unit critically study the interplay between maker, artefact and environment. The maker explores, reflects, and creates within and beyond the technological boundaries of existing artistic fields. We applaud research proposals that embrace interdisciplinary and participatory approaches, with a focus on (audio)visual arts and design.
The research clusters “Future Framing” and “Art, Design & Technology” focus on practice-based research that is situated at the interplay between art, design, science and technology. Within these clusters, researchers, build knowledge on the impact of “emerging technologies” on the design/art-making process and the changing role of the designer/artist in the creation process and the final result. The Future Framing cluster explores how new forms of image-making (genAI, XR, VR, AR), machine vision, and computational imaging, in combination with other experimental visual methods, expand the possibilities for attunement, reflection, experimentation, and creation in relation to the world. The Art, Design and Technology cluster researches human-technology interaction that starts from systemic thinking and positions technology within a social, cultural and spatial context. Both research clusters strive for an inclusive, future-oriented, and critical dialogue, with other contexts and disciplines, on urgent matters such as ecology, care, and inclusion.
PhD project proposal
Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development and use of AI technologies in a manner that is ethical, transparent, fair, accountable, inclusive, and sustainable. As AI continues to rapidly advance and integrate into various aspects of daily life, the demand for responsible AI practices becomes increasingly urgent. The responsible growth of AI stresses the importance of ensuring that novel AI technologies have a positive impact on society, preventing any unintended adverse effects or deepening of inequalities.
The field of art and design can play a pivotal role in the development of responsible AI by fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that critically assess and innovate existing AI paradigms. Through critical approaches and creative methodologies, art and design have the unique ability to facilitate discussions on complex societal implications, imagine alternative operational modes, and make abstract AI concepts tangible. Additionally, art and design research can critically reflect on AI's impact within its own domains, examining how AI technologies can transform artistic and design practices themselves.
We are searching for research proposals that emphasise collaborative practice-based art and design research, in which the candidate experiments with the technology rather than merely reflects on the topic of the technology.
You have a Master's diploma.
You propose a PhD project that is relevant to the research objectives of LUCA’s research unit Inter-Actions and the research clusters “Art, Design & Technology” and “Future Framing” in particular.
You are willing to work in a team and to play an active role within your research unit.
You have the skills to complete a comprehensive, long-term research project within the given time frame.
You have a strong research oriented artistic/design portfolio.
You have experience (as a master student or researcher) in artistic or design research.
You are willing to communicate your research at conferences, through artistic presentations and through academic publications.
You have the ambition to become an outstanding researcher and to share your knowledge in higher arts education.
The position is a PhD-scholarship at LUCA starting on May 1st, 2025.
More information about the salary scales can be found on the website of the Department of Education (
You will perform research activities at LUCA (100%). A maximum of 10% may be asked to participate in education or 20% in research support activities.
Your candidature contains: (1) an up-to-date and comprehensive CV, including an art or design portfolio and (if applicable) a list of publications (2) a letter of motivation stating your qualifications and reasons for interest in the position, and (3) your research proposal (see below).
Only complete candidatures will be accepted for evaluation. Uploaded documents cannot exceed 5 MB. If the portfolio requires a higher resolution, please insert a hyperlink to an online portfolio.
The deadline for applications is the 6th of January 2025 via the job posting at CV Warehouse.
Your research proposal should provide the following information and structure, which is based on the template for applying to the doctorate in the arts at LUCA/KU Leuven:
A preliminary selection is made on the basis of the written application by the research unit of the candidate. The selected candidates will be invited for an interview with a committee, headed by the research unit coordinator Dr. Niels Hendriks. The interviews will take place via video call in the week of 13th of January, 2025 and an invitation link will be sent to the candidates. The candidates will be informed of the decision by the research council one week after the interview. The selected candidate should then also submit his/her/their research proposal to the doctoral committee (if the proposal has not been accepted on the forehand).
The candidate selected for this position must present a letter of acceptance by the doctoral commission in order to proceed with his/her/their activities. Failure to achieve the acceptance letter of the PhD commission will lead to not being accepted in this position.
You can apply for this position via the job posting at CV Warehouse no later than the 6th of January 2025?
LUCA C-Mine is a campus of and for everyone. We have the ambition to create an environment in which all talents can develop to the maximum, regardless of gender, age, cultural origin, nationality or disability.
We want to be a campus where everyone feels welcome, valued, seen and heard. As a campus, we believe the more inclusive and sustainable we are, the better we can perform. We therefore strive to see the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives reflected in the workforce and teaching and research results of our degree programme. Regardless of gender, age, cultural background, who you love and what you believe: we cordially invite you to apply!
For more information please contact Dr. Kristof Vrancken (, Dr. Veerle Van der Sluys (, or Dr. Niels Hendriks (
Postdoctoral position in Meaningful Play and Virtual Environments (3-year position)
LUCA School of Arts
LUCA School of Arts is a multidisciplinary educational and research environment in which creative talent can develop on an artistic, performative, and technical level. LUCA promotes the practice of art and creative design as well as the development of innovative insight. LUCA combines the strength and expertise of five renowned institutions on as many campuses: Sint-Lukas Brussel, Narafi Brussel, C-mine Genk, Sint-Lucas Gent, and Lemmens Leuven. With over 800 staff members and about 3,800 students, LUCA School of Arts is a creative hub for over 4,500 artists, musicians, theatrical and filmmakers, photographers, and designers.
#weArt #weDesign
Job Description
As a postdoc researcher (70%) at the Inter-Actions Research Unit, you will participate in the Meaningful Play cluster which investigates the application of game design in artistic, social, educational and economic contexts. You will participate in ongoing projects (coordination, implementation) and initiate applications for new projects. You will develop your own research line in this broad field of research-through-design, with an emphasis on either artistic, educational or industry-oriented projects.
As a lecturer (30%) in the Department of Audiovisual Arts, you will teach in the Game Design program at Campus C-mine. You will develop new courses, masterclasses and workshops on game design in relation to novel and immersive environments (such as XR, 360) next to being involved in existing courses on game design and game programming.
As doctor-assistant, you will also execute a limited amount of administrative and organizational tasks.
o You will be involved in teaching existing courses at the Game Design program
o You will aid in the coordination of ongoing projects at the Inter-Actions Research Unit, such as the Game Badges-project.
o You will initiate your own projects within the broad field of design-based game research, and write applications to acquire funding for these projects.
o You will disseminate your research at Art Expositions, symposia, conferences and in artistic or academic publications
o You will participate in board meetings, research activities and symposia of the Inter-Actions Research Unit.
o You have an art-, design- or practice-based Ph.D. in game design, or in a related field with a focus on game design.
o You have experience in modeling and creating architectures in 3D tools such as Blender, 3DS Max or Maya, as demonstrated in your artistic portfolio.
o OR You have experience in creating interactive rules within game engines such as Unreal or Unity, and in applying these to immersive environments (XR, 360°). This is demonstrated in your artistic portfolio.
o OR You have an affinity for and an active interest in sound design for games.
o OR You have a strong proven experience in collaborations with the game industry
o You have experience in writing applications for project funding and in coordinating projects.
o You are willing to develop new course materials in collaboration and dialogue with the teacher team at the C-mine campus.
o You are passionate about game research, take initiative, have innovative ideas, and experiment with new concepts.
o You can perform work with responsibility, both independently and in team.
o You can communicate in English and Dutch, and conform the language requirements that apply to higher education in the Flemish part of Belgium.
o You are loyal towards the mission, vision and educational policy of LUCA School of Arts.
As part of your application, you describe a project that you want to initiate within the Meaningful Play research cluster, and how this project can be extended into a course module for BA and MA-level students in game design. The project should entail art- or practice-based research related to game design and should deal with a topic of relevance to the future of gaming. It should show an engagement with actors in the gaming industries, or in other cultural fields that are relevant to gaming. The project identifies several conceptual, social, technological and artistic challenges in contemporary gaming, and explores new pathways for the gaming industries through practical work. You also create a plan for funding and dissemination of this research.
Your research proposal should provide the following information and structure:
At LUCA you will be part of an environment where respect and integrity define our basic attitude, where we see sustainability and diversity as an asset and quality is our motivation. In the coming years, we want to give LUCA an identity as an actor in society, let our education institute become part of a laboratory, complement our offer with demand-driven initiatives, and open up our multicampus reality to a network. This will put you in a stimulating environment in which we offer numerous opportunities to give your own interpretation on your main campus in Genk or on one of the other campuses of LUCA School of Arts.
LUCA aims to create an environment in which all talents can develop to their full potential, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or disability. That is why we welcome all talented people who recognize the added value of diversity and want to help shape an
inclusive organisation.
We offer a temporary employment, fixed-term appointment (100%) in the position of doctor-assistant (scale 509) for 3 years. More information about the salary scales can be found on the website of the Department of Education: ( Estimated starting date is September 2025.
More information can be obtained via Dr. Steven Malliet: You can apply until 01/04/2025 via CV Warehouse. You will be appointed in September 2025.
Your application consists of a dossier containing a motivation letter, a research project proposal, a portfolio, a CV, and a certificate of your diploma (and if applicable, a declaration of conformity of your diploma).